ࡱ> }|e bjbj 4&ebeb  ^^^^^rrr84r...^.....^^4¨.R^^.z;<jب0Yrr;r^;.......D.......r......... B $: University of 鶹 Alabama Disability Support Service (DSS) Meal Plan Accommodation Process The following is a condensed version of the request process. For additional information regarding the process, including documentation guidelines, please refer to the University Disability Support Services (DSS) websites. To initiate services, all new students must schedule and participate in an intake appointment, lasting about an hour. The intake appointment provides an opportunity for the discussion of accommodations requested and services offered by this office. Students will complete the following steps in the DSS Portal: (1) an application of request; (2) upload a completed impact statement; (3) upload documentation to support the request. Documentation must be from a medical provider stating the students diagnosis and how it impacts them. The students accommodation request will be reviewed by the Meal Plan Accommodations Committee for approval. Students may be encouraged to follow up with the Chef to discuss their dietary and nutritional needs. The DSS will notify the student and the University Bursar/Collections Director at the Student Accounts Office of the approved accommodations. The student is responsible for contacting the Students Accounts Office regarding billing questions. At the beginning of each academic year (fall semester) students with previously approved accommodations, will schedule an appointment to meet with the DSS Staff to review accommodations and any related issues. The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes. Services are not retroactive. Until students are officially registered, Disability Support Services cannot intercede. Students requesting a review of approved accommodations should complete the Accommodation Review Questionnaire in the DSS Portal and upload a completed Accommodation Review Form. Students also need to contact the DSS office to request an appointment for further discussion of accommodation review. Additional documentation may be required to support revised accommodations. DSS Staff are available by appointment to discuss accommodations, academic difficulties, or other issues. We also offer one-to-one sessions in test taking, learning style and strategies, time management, career planning, assistive technology, and self-advocacy skills. By signing below, I acknowledge the following: I have read and understand the process explained above. I understand that this is an abbreviated version of the process. I understand that the DSSs ability to provide reasonable accommodations is contingent upon my adherence to the process. I understand a copy of this document is available at the Disability Support Services office and on the University website. Date: __________________ Print Name: ____________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________ Acc MP. 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