ࡱ> ;=: ybjbj 4hhS %%%%%%9998q9l"LNNNNNN$9 "lr%r%%%%LL:,@.9`$ 80.RG#0G#G#%rrG# : Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee Meeting 5 February, 2008 3:00 p.m. The Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee monthly meeting was held on Tuesday, 5 February, 2008. In attendance were: Craig Christy (Chair), Larry Adams, Kari-Kay Harp, Mark Puckett, David Shields, Steve Smith, Richard Statom, Catherine White. The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:04 pm. Richard Statom moved to approve the agenda; Larry Adams seconded. The agenda was approved unanimously. Larry Adams moved to approve the minutes of the December meeting; Mark Puckett seconded. Unanimous approval of the minutes. The Chair turned the discussion over to Catherine White, who gave a report on the Health Benefits Survey/Data Analysis. Approximately 50% of those responding did not want additional chiropractic benefits. Approximately 66% rejected adding orthodontic benefits. Almost two-thirds did desire additional vision care benefits. Ms. White is to negotiate the additional benefits with our current provider and report back to the committee. Steve Smith and Catherine White then presented a report on Flexible Health Savings Plans, particularly through the Hunter Benefits Group. After some discussion, the committee decided to invite several providers of such plans to visit with us and explain the various plans in detail. Catherine White reported on the status of contract negotiations with Blue Cross Blue Shield, our current university health benefits provider. She reported we will have no additional increase in premiums at this time. Discussion followed concerning the impact increased use of Bennett Infirmary may have had in keeping our benefits use down. David Shields said he would provide relevant data at the next meeting. Craig Christy reported that draft language concerning changes to our university Equal Employment Opportunity statement has left the Faculty Senate and is now being considered for inclusion in that statement, particularly in the Faculty Handbook. The proposed language is currently under review by the law firm retained by the university to ensure compliance with all federal, state, and local laws concerning this matter. Craig Christy reported that adjustments to the department chairs stipends are currently being discussed in the Council of Academic Deans and that a quick turn-around is expected on this matter. Kari-Kay Harp reported on the initiative to establish a sick leave bank. After some discussion, Larry Adams moved, Richard Statom seconded, and the committee unanimously agreed to recommend to the Shared Governance umbrella committee to recommend to the Faculty Senate that a charge be given to the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee to look into the overuse of adjunct faculty. Craig Christy reported on proposed upgrades to the campus early warning/safety system. Larry Adams reported that language changes concerning contract renewal, tenure, and promotion, particularly as they pertain to the development of departmental criteria, have left the Council of Academic Deans and will be presented to the Faculty Senate at their February meeting. The working group for Faculty Handbbook Revision should be receiving the changes soon afterwards. Catherine White made a motion to adjourn. David Shields seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 pm. 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