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Old Business Budget for External Consultants Proposal will be presented at the November meeting. 鶹s Goals Included in Departmental Action Plans Mr. Shields explained that for SACS purposes, the 鶹s annual goals should be included in Departmental Action Plans. The 鶹 will be encouraged to present his goals earlier for reporting purposes. Five-year Report Update the committee will begin addressing the reports at the November meeting. The Deans will meet to review them in March. Dr. Luna is encouraging departments to keep the reports to 50 pages. There are currently 12 departments under program review. Dr. Luna will meet with each of them before the holidays. Annual Action Plan Database Update Dr. Luna has not uploaded the new template. He will accept this years reports using the previous template. Pie charts were distributed depicting the Universitys support of strategic goals over the past two years. Additional Questions to the Annual Action Plan Proposed by the Office of Diversity and Institutional Equity Update the committee will invite Dr. Lelon Davidson, Director of the Office of Diversity and Institutional Equity, to attend the November 18 meeting to further discuss this issue. Dr. Phil Bridgmon moved that we seek the seating of the Director as a permanent member of this committee. Dr. Donna Jacobs seconded the motion. The motion passed. The Chair will submit the recommendation to the 鶹. New Business SACS Update Celia Reynolds reported that all Compliance committees have been formed and are beginning the process. Dr. Phil Bridgmon reported that three of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) proposals have been invited to present their proposals in a lengthier format. The topics selected are Global Awareness, Service Learning, and Writing Across the Disciplines. The proposals may be viewed at  HYPERLINK "http://www.una.edu/qep" www.una.edu/qep. Announcements The next meeting will be Wednesday, November 18, at 3 p.m. in the Raburn Conference Room. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:40 p.m. ____________________________ David Shields, Chair     Approved at 11/18/09 meeting PAGE  AQRhip     O P Q X Z c d N̳̳̳ר̳םvvkkh3U4hg&fCJaJhC0hg&f5>*CJaJh hg&f5>*CJaJh hg&fCJaJh Khg&fCJaJhNFhg&fCJaJh3hg&f5>*CJaJhZJhg&fCJaJhg&f5>*CJaJhg&fCJaJh ghg&fCJaJh ghg&f5CJaJhg&f5CJaJ''Rijk    O P c d S `  & Fgdg&f $^a$gdg&f$a$gdg&fgdg&f$a$gdg&f` 789:;_{|}~ & F h^hgdg&fgdg&f^gdg&f & Fgdg&fNOstu57@f}~徳ynfbfbfbfbXRXRb hg&f0Jjhg&f0JUhg&fjhg&fUhWhg&fCJaJh ghg&fCJaJh ghg&f>*CJaJhg&f5CJaJh ghg&f5CJaJh ghg&f5>*CJaJhg&f5>*CJaJhg&fCJaJh3U4hg&f0JCJaJ#jhdhg&fCJUaJh3U4hg&fCJaJjh3U4hg&fCJUaJ ~gdg&fh]hgdg&f &`#$gdg&f$a$gdg&fhWhg&fCJaJhg&f hg&f0J&1h:pg&f/ =!"#$% ,, g(HH(dh com.apple.print.PageFormat.FormattingPrinter com.apple.print.ticket.creator com.apple.jobticket com.apple.print.ticket.itemArray com.apple.print.PageFormat.FormattingPrinter HP_Color_LaserJet_2840 com.apple.print.ticket.stateFlag 0 com.apple.print.PageFormat.PMHorizontalRes 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