ࡱ> @B? bjbj 7(%<<8"$+ "&&;8`3XԶ-Q0 ,##8#8LD6z,&&"#< E: STAFF SENATE Meeting Minutes March 9, 2009 Opening: The regular meeting of the Staff Senate was called to order at 10:05 a.m. on March 9, 2009 in Faculty/Staff Commons by Tammy Jacques. Present: Present were: Steve Burnett, James Burton, Kari-Kay Harp, Chris Horn, Ethan Humphries, Sara Huntley, Kevin Jacques, Tammy Jacques, Pam Osborn, Brad Peeden, Joan Smith and Pam Trimble. I. Approval of Minutes The Minutes were approved by motion from Kari-Kay and seconded by Steve. III. Approval of Agenda The Agenda was approved by motion from Kevin and seconded by Ethan. IV. Staff Senate 鶹s Report Tammy mentioned that documentation has been found on the Internet of compensation ladders on other universities such as Texas A&M, University of New Mexico and Montana State. She announced that a Board of Trustees meeting was scheduled for Friday, March 13th and that she was sending Jennifer. With regard to the compensation ladders that the focus groups were dealing with, she further clarified that the column entitled years of service referred to years to the University and not in that position; and also that the compensation ladders are designed to work parallel to the mid to max range. V. Shared Governance/Committee Reports No report given, but Kari-Kay asked if anyone remembers why the Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee was formed and stated she felt the committee was not really necessary any longer. VI. Old Business None. VII. New Business a. Nominations for Staff Senate Offices of Secretary and Vice 鶹 - Tammy nominated Chris Horn as Vice 鶹 and she accepted. Sara asked Kevin if he was also interested in the VP position, but he declined. No nominations for Secretary made at this meeting. Pam Osborn made it known that she was not interested in returning as Secretary. VIII. Discussion a. Shared Governance Committee Vacancies/Recommendations Kari-Kay, Steve and Chris asked where to find what the charge was of each committee and what were their accomplishments. Brad mentioned it should be on the Shared Governance website. Tammy went through each committee with the open positions. Kari-Kay suggested an appointment of the Director of Developmental Services be appointed by position to the Infrastructure Committee. The Senate agreed to send a campus-wide e-mail to the staff with open positions to see who might be interested in an attempt to give the overall staff the sense of involvement. Chris and Ethan offered the idea that an officer of the Staff Senate be appointed by position to the Shared Governance Committee. Tammy recommended to Bill Huddleston, Shared Governance Chair, that the presidents of the corresponding Senates sit on the overall Shared Governance Committee. Currently, the SGA 鶹 serves but not the Faculty or Staff Senate 鶹s. b. SRC Update Tammy sent a memo to and met with Mr. David Shields regarding the idea that faculty and staff be allowed free membership at the SRC. She plans to bring up at the next SGA meeting. Pam Trimble told of another issue being brought up to the students through SGA of an athletic fee. She explained that when the economy is better, a proposal may be submitted through the Vice 鶹 of Student Affairs to have the University consider appropriating $20,000 for over a period of three years to get to a $60,000 per year contribution to the SRC to allow faculty and staff free services similar to the set up for Health Services. c. Smoking Ban on Campus Kevin received information from seven different campuses and offered to draw up proposals to present to Staff Senate. Several ideas were given to Kevin, among them - house smokers in areas away from doorways or off to a secluded area on campus. The consensus among the Senators was to propose a buffer area around doorways. d. University E-mail Policy In light of the recent rash of campus-wide e-mails, discussions were had regarding the creation of a classified section on the HR website and faculty/staff forums/threads. Tammy will work on proposals. e. 5% Cap on Promotions - An employee brought this to Tammy and the section from the Staff Handbook was discussed. Staff Senates understanding is that promotions are not limited to 5%. It states in the handbook that employees will receive the grade and level as promoted or minimum 5% increase whichever is higher. Tammy will clarify with that employee. f. Compensation Ladder Focus Groups Updates Tammy asked for updates from each group. Also, a discussion was had regarding the difference between min/mid/max points based on market value and increases based on cost-of-living increases. Tammy explained the three prongs that Human Resources is facilitating or has a vision for to address staff pay issues. The first step is the MGT survey and the second step is the Compensation Ladders. Human Resources has a future vision to start moving towards Performance-Based/Merit-Based Evaluations. VIII. Announcements As stated on the Agenda. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. by Tammy. The next general meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. on April 13, 2009 in the Faculty/Staff Commons. Minutes submitted by: Pam Osborn, Secretary Minutes submitted to: Tammy Jacques, 鶹     PAGE  PAGE 2  "*4O[sx} j z } ~    % 6 ; < = ? 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