ࡱ> ;=: bjbj 7 %<<8$0"%%%$|!%%d%%_%pxhd|w00,n"*n"n" 0n"< E: STAFF SENATE Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009 Opening: The regular meeting of the Staff Senate was called to order at 10:11 a.m. on May 11, 2009 in Faculty/Staff Commons by Tammy Jacques. Present: Present were: Kari-Kay Harp, Chris Horn, Ethan Humphries, Kevin Jacques, Tammy Jacques, Pam Osborn, Jennifer Smith, and Joan Smith. I. Approval of Minutes The Minutes were approved by motion from Jennifer and seconded by Chris. III. Approval of Agenda The Agenda was approved by motion from Kari-Kay and seconded by Ethan. IV. Staff Senate 鶹s Report a. University E-mail Tammy will send her thoughts to the June meeting in order to save time to review Compensation Ladders. b. Smoking Ban Larry Bates, president of Faculty Senate, says he will forward to the Faculty Senate, but mentioned that this was brought up last year and discussions leaned toward opposition as it was felt this ban would infringe on individual freedoms. Other items on the agenda were tabled for discussion at the next meeting. V. Shared Governance/Committee Reports Kari-Kay asked when we will hear about the filing of the upcoming vacancies on Shared Governance committees. Tammy was unsure, but would try to find out. VI. Old Business None. VII. New Business a. Location of Next Years Meetings Jennifer, as 鶹-Elect, suggested holding the meetings in Wesleyan Conference Room. Kari-Kay thought it would be a tight squeeze. It was decided to try this space for the June meeting. b. June 8th Meeting This meeting will move to June 15th due to the conflict with the Board of Trustees meeting. Chris suggested a joint meeting with Faculty Senate, Staff Senate and Shared Governance so the Office of Advancement can present their new department and staff. VIII. Discussion a. Compensation Ladders - Tammy listed a very few focus groups that have not turned in their ladders. She presented, via PowerPoint, templates created by various positions and the Senators present at this meeting discussed each position and made suggestions for improvements and consistency. VIII. Announcements Tammy will attempt to schedule another interim meeting to finish review of the presented Compensation Ladders. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m. by Tammy. The next general meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. on June 15, 2009 in the Wesleyan Conference Room. 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