Annual and Five Year Report



  • Each degree program, non-academic unit and General Education liaison will submit an Annual Report for the current fiscal year. Reports for 2023-2024 are due in Watermark by July 31, 2024.


  • The Office of Academic Affairs reviews all submitted reports.
  • Vice presidents and deans review the annual reports submitted by their direct reports.


  • The Institutional Effectiveness Committee conducts a meta-analysis of submitted reports.


  • OAA shares the results of the meta-assessment with individual departments and units and presents the results to COAD.


  • Departmental strategic goals are reviewed by Deans.
  • 麻豆社 submits budget/initiatives for the next fiscal year.
  • 麻豆社's proposed budget/initiatives are articulated to:
    • Council of Academic Deans
    • Institutional Effectiveness Committee
    • Strategic Planning and Budget Study Committee


  • Departmental strategic goals are reviewed by the vice presidents.


  • Departmental strategic goals are reviewed by the SPBS.


  • UNA budget initiatives are created from departmental/area strategic goals and 麻豆社's budget initiatives.


  • Departments will submit a summary of their Annual Report to the Board of Trustees.
  • Departments/areas that are involved will submit five-year reports to the OAA.


  • 麻豆社 creates an operational plan from January’s projected budget/initiatives for the next fiscal year.
  • OAA will submit to the Institutional Effectiveness Committee a summary report of the Annual Report.
  • OAA meets with vice presidents and deans for a review of completed five-year departmental/program reviews.

Annual Report Resources

Five-Year Report Resources